IBJJF Weight Classes - The Ultimate Guide! - Attack The Back (2024)

Table of Contents
IBJJF Weight Classes Adult and Masters IBJJF Male Gi Weight Class Adults and Masters IBJJF Male NoGi Weight Classes Adult and Masters IBJJF Female Gi Weight Class Adults and Masters IBJJF Female NoGi Weight Classes Juvenile IBJJF Weight Class Juvenile IBJJF Male Gi Weight Classes Juvenile IBJJF Male NoGi Weight Class Juvenile IBJJF Female Gi Weight Classes Juvenile IBJJF Female NoGi Weight Class Understanding IBJJF Weight Classes Male Weight Classes Rooster Light Feather Feather Light Middle Medium Heavy Heavy Super Heavy Ultra Heavy Female Weight Classes Rooster Light Feather Feather Light Middle Medium Heavy Heavy Super Heavy Ultra Heavy Age Divisions Juvenile Adult Masters Understanding Gi and No-Gi Tournaments Gi Tournament No-Gi Tournament Open Class Competitions Rules and Regulations Weigh-ins Match Time Disqualified Refund Preparation and Training Major Tournaments and Championships World Championship ADCC UAEJJF Other Important Information Weigh-in Procedures Belt Requirements Grappling Industries Master Weight Classes Submission Grappling National and International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation Qualifiers and Professional Matches Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competition Checklist Food and Drink Comfort Medical Other BJJ Competition Tips Competition Confidence For BJJ Self-Efficacy Frequently Asked Questions What are the weight classes for IBJJF tournaments? What is the weight allowance for IBJJF tournaments? What are the age divisions for IBJJF Masters? What are the weight classes for FUJI BJJ tournaments? What are the weight classes for NAGA tournaments? What are the weight classes for ADCC tournaments? References

Table of Contents

A lot of people get confused when it comes to IBJJF weight classes, especially since there are a few things you need to remember when weighing in. But have no fear, we’re here to help get that figured out for you!

The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation have decided upon a number of weight classes, which varies from Adults, Masters and Juveniles, they also differ between male and females for the Adults, Masters and Juveniles.

IBJJF Weight Classes

Adult and Masters IBJJF Male Gi Weight Class

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Male competitors in the Gi

  • Rooster – 57.5 kg (126.5 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 64 kg (141 lbs)
  • Feather – 70 kg (154 lbs)
  • Light – 76 kg (167.5 lbs)
  • Middle – 82.3 kg (181 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 88.3 kg (194.5 lbs)
  • Heavy – 94.3 kg (207.5 lbs)
  • Super-Heavy – 100.5 kg (221.0 lbs)
  • Ultra Heavy – No Maximum Weight

Adults and Masters IBJJF Male NoGi Weight Classes

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Male NoGi competitors

  • Rooster – 55.5kg (122.5 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 61.5 kg (136 lbs)
  • Feather – 67.5 kg (149 lbs)
  • Light – 73.5 kg (162.5 lbs)
  • Middle – 79.5 kg (175.5 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 85.5 kg (188.5 lbs)
  • Heavy – 91.5 kg (202 lbs)
  • Super-Heavy – 97.5 kg (215 lbs)
  • Ultra Heavy – No Maximum Weight

Adult and Masters IBJJF Female Gi Weight Class

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Female competitors in the Gi

  • Rooster – 48.5kg (107 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 53.5 kg (118 lbs)
  • Feather – 58.5 kg (129 lbs)
  • Light – 64 kg (141 lbs)
  • Middle – 69 kg (152 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 74 kg (163 lbs)
  • Heavy – No Maximum Weight

Adults and Masters IBJJF Female NoGi Weight Classes

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Female NoGi competitors

  • Rooster – 48.5 kg (107 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 53.5 kg (118 lbs)
  • Feather – 58.5 kg (129 lbs)
  • Light – 64 kg (141.5 lbs)
  • Middle – 69 kg (152.5 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 74 kg (163.5 lbs)
  • Heavy – No Maximum Weight

Juvenile IBJJF Weight Class

In the IBJJF, the weight class for male and female competitors are fairly similar

Juvenile IBJJF Male Gi Weight Classes

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Juvenile Male competitors in the Gi

  • Rooster – 53.5 kg (118 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 58.5 kg (129 lbs)
  • Feather – 64 kg (141 lbs)
  • Light – 69 kg (152 lbs)
  • Middle – 74 kg (163 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 79.3 kg (174.5 lbs)
  • Heavy – 84.3 kg (185.5 lbs)
  • Super Heavy – 89.3 kg (196.5 lbs)
  • Ultra Heavy – No Maximum Weight

Juvenile IBJJF Male NoGi Weight Class

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Juvenile Male NoGi competitors in Brazilian jiu-Jitsu

  • Rooster – 51.5 kg (114 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 56.5 kg (125 lbs)
  • Feather – 61.5 kg (136 lbs)
  • Light – 66.5 kg (147 lbs)
  • Middle – 71.5 kg (158 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 76.5 kg (169 lbs)
  • Heavy – 81.5 kg (180 lbs)
  • Super-Heavy – 86.5 kg (191 lbs)
  • Ultra Heavy –No Maximum Weight

Juvenile IBJJF Female Gi Weight Classes

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Juvenile Female competitors in the Gi

  • Rooster – 44.3kg (98lbs)
  • Light Feather – 48.3 kg (106.5 lbs)
  • Feather – 52.5 kg (116 lbs)
  • Light – 56.5 kg (125 lbs)
  • Middle – 60.5 kg (133.5 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 65 kg (144 lbs)
  • Heavy – No Maximum Weight

Juvenile IBJJF Female NoGi Weight Class

Below are the official IBJJF weight classes for Juvenile Female NoGi competitors

  • Rooster – 42.5 kg (94 lbs)
  • Light Feather – 46.5 kg (103 lbs)
  • Feather – 50.5 kg(111.5 lbs)
  • Light – 54.5 kg (120.5 lbs)
  • Middle – 58.5 kg (129 lbs)
  • Medium Heavy – 62.5 kg (138 lbs)
  • Heavy – 66.5 kg (147 lbs)
  • Super Heavy – No Maximum Weight

IBJJF Weight Classes - The Ultimate Guide! - Attack The Back (1)

The IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) is one of the most prestigious organizations in the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It hosts a variety of tournaments throughout the year, including both Gi and No-Gi competitions. One of the most important aspects of these tournaments is the weight classes.

The IBJJF weight classes are divided into several categories, with each category having its own set of weight limits. The weight classes are designed to ensure fair competition, as athletes are matched against opponents of similar size and weight. The weight classes for male competitors in the Gi are Rooster, Light Feather, Feather, Light, Middle, Medium Heavy, Heavy, Super-Heavy, and Ultra Heavy. In No-Gi competitions, there are fewer weight classes, with only six categories: Rooster, Light Feather, Feather, Light, Middle, and Heavy.

Understanding IBJJF Weight Classes

IBJJF weight classes are used to ensure that competitors are matched up based on their weight, skill level, and age. This allows for a more fair and competitive environment for all participants. The IBJJF offers weight classes for both gi and no-gi competitions, and the weight classes are divided by gender, age, and skill level.

In order to compete in an IBJJF competition, competitors must first check their weight and be assigned to a weight class. For gi competitions, athletes must weigh in with their gi on, while for no-gi competitions, athletes weigh in without a gi. Competitors are only given one opportunity to weigh in, and if they do not make weight, they will be disqualified.

The IBJJF offers a wide range of weight classes for both gi and no-gi competitions, allowing competitors to compete against others who are similar in size and skill level. The weight classes range from Rooster, which is the lightest weight class, to Ultra Heavy, which has no maximum weight limit.

It’s important to note that the weight classes for no-gi competitions are slightly different from those for gi competitions, with the no-gi ultra heavy division starting 2.7 kg (6 lbs) lighter than the gi ultra heavy division.

In summary, understanding IBJJF weight classes is crucial for anyone looking to compete in IBJJF competitions. Competitors must weigh in with their gi on for gi competitions and without a gi for no-gi competitions, and they are only given one opportunity to weigh in. The IBJJF offers a wide range of weight classes for both gi and no-gi competitions, allowing competitors to compete against others who are similar in size and skill level.

Male Weight Classes

The IBJJF has established nine weight classes for male adults and masters for both Gi and No-Gi competitions. These weight classes are determined by the athlete’s weight in kilograms. Below are the weight classes for male competitors in the Gi, from the lightest to the heaviest:


The Rooster weight class is for athletes who weigh under 57.5 kg (under 127 lbs). This weight class is the lightest in the IBJJF and is suitable for smaller athletes who have trouble competing against larger opponents.

Light Feather

The Light Feather weight class is for athletes who weigh above 57.5 kg and under 64 kg (127 – 141.6 lbs). This weight class is also suitable for smaller athletes who are slightly heavier than the Rooster weight class.


The Feather weight class is for athletes who weigh above 64 kg and under 70 kg (141.6 – 154.6 lbs). This weight class is suitable for athletes who are small to medium-sized.


The Light weight class is for athletes who weigh above 70 kg and under 76 kg (154.6 – 167.5 lbs). This weight class is suitable for athletes who are medium-sized.


The Middle weight class is for athletes who weigh above 76 kg and under 82.3 kg (167.5 – 181 lbs). This weight class is suitable for athletes who are medium to large-sized.

Medium Heavy

The Medium Heavy weight class is for athletes who weigh above 82.3 kg and under 88.3 kg (181 – 194.5 lbs). This weight class is suitable for athletes who are large-sized.


The Heavy weight class is for athletes who weigh above 88.3 kg and under 94.3 kg (194.5 – 207.5 lbs). This weight class is suitable for athletes who are large to extra-large sized.

Super Heavy

The Super Heavy weight class is for athletes who weigh above 94.3 kg and under 100.5 kg (207.5 – 221.0 lbs). This weight class is suitable for athletes who are extra-large sized.

Ultra Heavy

The Ultra Heavy weight class is for athletes who weigh over 100.5 kg (over 221.0 lbs). This weight class is suitable for the heaviest athletes.

It is important to note that athletes must weigh in before their first fight, and there is only one opportunity to check their weight. If an athlete does not make their weight, they will be immediately disqualified.

In conclusion, the IBJJF weight classes for male competitors in the Gi range from the Rooster weight class for the lightest athletes to the Ultra Heavy weight class for the heaviest athletes. Athletes should carefully consider which weight class they fall under to ensure fair competition.

Female Weight Classes

The International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) has specific weight classes for female competitors in both Gi and No-Gi divisions. These weight classes ensure that competitors are matched up with opponents of similar size and weight, which promotes fairness and safety during competitions.

The female weight classes for IBJJF competitions are as follows:


The Rooster weight class has a maximum weight of 48.5 kg (107 lbs). This weight class is the lightest of all the female weight classes and is suitable for smaller competitors.

Light Feather

The Light Feather weight class has a maximum weight of 53.5 kg (118 lbs). This weight class is slightly heavier than the Rooster weight class and is suitable for competitors who are slightly larger.


The Feather weight class has a maximum weight of 58.5 kg (129 lbs). This weight class is suitable for competitors who are slightly larger than the Light Feather weight class.


The Light weight class has a maximum weight of 64 kg (141 lbs). This weight class is suitable for competitors who are slightly larger than the Feather weight class.


The Middle weight class has a maximum weight of 69 kg (152 lbs). This weight class is suitable for competitors who are slightly larger than the Light weight class.

Medium Heavy

The Medium Heavy weight class has a maximum weight of 74 kg (163 lbs). This weight class is suitable for competitors who are slightly larger than the Middle weight class.


The Heavy weight class has no maximum weight limit. Competitors in this weight class must weigh more than 74 kg (163 lbs). This weight class is suitable for larger competitors who weigh more than the maximum weight limit of the Medium Heavy weight class.

Super Heavy

The Super Heavy weight class has no maximum weight limit. Competitors in this weight class must weigh more than 84 kg (185 lbs). This weight class is suitable for larger competitors who weigh more than the maximum weight limit of the Heavy weight class.

Ultra Heavy

The Ultra Heavy weight class has no maximum weight limit. Competitors in this weight class must weigh more than 120 kg (264.5 lbs). This weight class is suitable for the largest competitors who weigh more than the maximum weight limit of the Super Heavy weight class.

Female competitors can choose to compete in any of these weight classes, depending on their weight and size. It is important to note that competitors must weigh in before their first fight, and if they do not make weight, they will be disqualified.

Age Divisions

The IBJJF has different age divisions for its competitions. These are Juvenile, Adult, and Masters. Each division has different age ranges and weight classes.


The Juvenile division is for athletes who are 16 to 17 years old. There is also a Juvenile II division for athletes who are 17 to 18 years old. Juvenile athletes compete in the same weight classes as adults, but with different weight limits [1].


The Adult division is for athletes who are 18 years old and above. There is no maximum age limit for this division. Adult athletes compete in the same weight classes as Juvenile athletes, but with different weight limits [2].

The Adult division has both Gi and No-Gi competitions. Athletes must weigh in before their first fight. There is only one opportunity to check the weight. If the competitor does not make their weight, they will be immediately disqualified [3].


The Masters division is for athletes who are 30 years old and above. There are six age ranges for the Masters division: 30-35, 36-40, 41-45, 46-50, 51-55, and 56 and above [1]. Masters athletes compete in the same weight classes as adults, but with different weight limits.

Like the Adult division, the Masters division has both Gi and No-Gi competitions. Athletes must weigh in before their first fight and there is only one opportunity to check the weight [3].

Overall, the IBJJF has different age divisions to ensure fair competition among athletes of similar age and skill level. Athletes must carefully review the weight classes and age divisions to ensure they are competing in the correct division.

Understanding Gi and No-Gi Tournaments

Gi Tournament

In a Gi tournament, competitors wear a traditional uniform called a Gi. The Gi is made up of a jacket, pants, and a belt that denotes the rank of the competitor. The IBJJF Gi weight classes are lighter than the no-gi classes by 1.9 to 3 kg. The weight classes range from Rooster (under 55.6 kg) to Ultra Heavy (over 97.5 kg). Competitors are matched up against others in their weight class and skill level.

During weigh-ins, competitors must wear their Gi and any additional clothing they plan to wear during the competition. Competitors are allowed to wear a rash guard or t-shirt under their Gi jacket. The weight of the uniform is included in the competitor’s weight. If a competitor fails to make weight, they are disqualified from the competition.

No-Gi Tournament

In a No-Gi tournament, competitors do not wear a traditional uniform. Instead, they wear shorts and a rash guard or t-shirt. The IBJJF No-Gi weight classes are about 1.8 kg (4 lbs) lighter than their Gi equivalent. The weight classes range from Rooster (under 55.6 kg) to Ultra Heavy (over 97.5 kg). Competitors are matched up against others in their weight class and skill level.

During weigh-ins, competitors must wear shorts and a rash guard or t-shirt. The weight of the uniform is not included in the competitor’s weight. Competitors are allowed to wear knee pads, elbow pads, and a mouthguard during the competition.

Understanding the differences between Gi and No-Gi tournaments is important for competitors to determine which type of competition they want to participate in. The rules and regulations for each type of tournament are different, and competitors must prepare accordingly.

Open Class Competitions

In IBJJF tournaments, Open Class competitions are held separately from the weight divisions. The Open Class is a separate division where athletes of all weight classes can compete against each other. This division is also referred to as the Absolute Division.

The Open Class is a prestigious division, and winning it is considered a significant achievement in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The winner of the Open Class is often considered the best overall athlete in the tournament.

To compete in the Open Class, athletes must have placed in their weight division. The number of athletes who qualify for the Open Class depends on the size of the tournament. In smaller tournaments, only the first-place winner of each weight division may qualify. In larger tournaments, the top three or four athletes in each weight division can qualify.

The Open Class competition is single-elimination, meaning that athletes are eliminated after one loss. The winner of the Open Class is determined through a bracket system, where athletes are matched up against each other until there is only one athlete left.

The Open Class is often considered the most challenging division in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Athletes who compete in the Open Class must be physically and mentally prepared to face opponents of all sizes and weight classes.

In summary, the Open Class division is a separate division in IBJJF tournaments where athletes of all weight classes can compete against each other. The winner of the Open Class is often considered the best overall athlete in the tournament. To compete in the Open Class, athletes must have placed in their weight division, and the number of athletes who qualify depends on the size of the tournament. The Open Class is a single-elimination competition and is considered the most challenging division in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Rules and Regulations

The IBJJF has a set of rules and regulations that competitors must follow during tournaments. Failure to follow these guidelines can result in disqualification from the competition.


Before a competitor’s first fight, they must check their weight with the gi. There is only one opportunity to check the weight. If the athlete does not make their weight, they will be immediately disqualified. Competitors must make sure that they are in the correct weight division.

Match Time

The match time varies depending on the competitor’s belt level and age. For example, adult black belts have a maximum match time of 10 minutes, while juvenile white belts have a maximum match time of 4 minutes. If the match ends in a tie, the referee will decide the winner based on the number of advantages, points, and penalties accumulated during the match.


Competitors can be disqualified for various reasons, such as using illegal techniques, failing to make weight, or behaving inappropriately during the competition. If a competitor is disqualified, they will not receive a refund of their registration fee.


If a competitor withdraws from the competition before the registration deadline, they may be eligible for a refund of their registration fee. However, if a competitor withdraws after the registration deadline, they will not receive a refund.

Overall, it is important for competitors to understand the rules and regulations set forth by the IBJJF to ensure a fair and safe competition for all participants.

Preparation and Training

Preparation and training are crucial for success in IBJJF competitions. Competitors must be aware of the weight classes and divisions and prepare accordingly. This includes training and nutrition plans that help them achieve their desired weight class.

Training for IBJJF competitions involves a combination of strength and conditioning, technique drills, and sparring. Competitors should focus on developing their technique and endurance, as well as building strength and power. They should also incorporate drills that simulate competition scenarios to prepare for the intensity and pressure of competition.

To compete in a specific weight class, competitors may need to cut weight. However, it is important to do so safely and gradually to avoid dehydration and other health risks. Competitors should work with a nutritionist or coach to develop a weight-cutting plan that is safe and effective.

In addition to physical preparation, mental preparation is also important. Competitors should develop a positive mindset and visualize themselves succeeding in competition. They should also study their opponents and develop a game plan that takes into account their strengths and weaknesses.

Overall, preparation and training are key to success in IBJJF competitions. Competitors should focus on developing their technique, strength, and endurance, as well as safely cutting weight if necessary. They should also prepare mentally and develop a game plan that takes into account their opponents’ strengths and weaknesses.

Major Tournaments and Championships

The IBJJF weight classes are used in some of the most prestigious Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions in the world. Here are some of the major tournaments and championships that use these weight classes:

World Championship

The IBJJF World Championship, also known as the Jiu-Jitsu Worlds or Mundials, is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu event held annually by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation. It is one of the most prestigious BJJ tournaments with enormous importance and respect within the community. The tournament features competitors from all over the world and is widely considered to be the most important event in the sport.

The World Championship uses the IBJJF weight classes for both gi and no-gi competitions. Competitors are separated into categories based on their weight, and the champions are determined through a single-elimination bracket format.


The Abu Dhabi Combat Club (ADCC) is a submission wrestling tournament held biennially. It is one of the most prestigious grappling competitions in the world and is known for attracting some of the best BJJ and submission wrestling competitors from around the globe.

The ADCC features both weight classes and absolute divisions, and competitors are separated into categories based on their weight. The tournament is known for its unique ruleset, which places an emphasis on submission grappling and discourages stalling.


The UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation (UAEJJF) is a non-profit organization that promotes Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and other grappling sports in the United Arab Emirates. The federation hosts a number of high-level competitions throughout the year, including the Abu Dhabi World Professional Jiu-Jitsu Championship.

The UAEJJF weight classes are similar to the IBJJF weight classes, but with a few minor differences. The federation also uses a belt ranking system that is slightly different from the IBJJF’s.

Overall, these tournaments and championships offer some of the most competitive and exciting BJJ matches in the world. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or a fan of the sport, these events are not to be missed.

Other Important Information

While the IBJJF weight classes are an essential aspect of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions, there are other important details that competitors should be aware of before participating in a match.

Weigh-in Procedures

The weigh-in process is crucial for athletes competing in IBJJF tournaments. Competitors must weigh-in wearing a gi, and the weight of the uniform cannot exceed 1.5 kg. If a competitor fails to make weight, they will be disqualified from the competition.

Belt Requirements

Competitors must wear a belt that matches their rank. The IBJJF has specific requirements for the length and color of belts. For example, a white belt must be at least 4 cm wide and have a white or black tip. Competitors who do not meet these requirements will not be allowed to compete.

Grappling Industries

Grappling Industries is a popular BJJ competition that has its own set of weight classes. These classes differ slightly from the IBJJF weight classes, so competitors should check the weight classes for each competition they plan to participate in to ensure they are in the correct division.

Master Weight Classes

Master divisions are available for competitors who are over the age of 30. These divisions have their own set of weight classes, which are slightly different from those for adult competitors. Competitors should check the IBJJF website for the most up-to-date information on master weight classes.

Submission Grappling

Submission grappling is a popular form of BJJ that focuses on ground fighting and submissions. While the IBJJF does not have specific weight classes for submission grappling, many other organizations do. Competitors should check the weight classes for each competition they plan to participate in to ensure they are in the correct division.

National and International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation

The IBJJF is the largest and most well-known Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu organization in the world. However, there are many other national and international organizations that hold BJJ competitions. Competitors should check the rules and regulations for each organization to ensure they are following the correct guidelines.

Qualifiers and Professional Matches

In addition to regular BJJ competitions, there are also qualifiers and professional matches. Qualifiers are tournaments that allow competitors to earn a spot in a larger competition. Professional matches are typically invitation-only events that feature the best BJJ athletes in the world. Competitors should check the rules and regulations for each event to ensure they are following the correct guidelines.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competition Checklist

You may not need all of the items on the list for your bjj competitions. Keep in mind that many tournaments last all day and you may have little to no notice before your bracket is called.

Food and Drink

It’s important for your body to be ready for the day ahead. Stick to clean food during bjj competitions and pig out once you’re done. You’ve earned it.

Water and sports drinks are obvious but essential; you need to be hydrated throughout the day. You should sip your water throughout the day and sports drinks can also help with energy levels. Stay away from anything too sugary and overly caffeinated, like Redbull, I have had a bad experience with almost vomiting in a match because I downed one minutes before a match.

Complex Carbohydrates digest slower and give you a great source of long-lasting energy. Nibbling on these throughout the day is a good idea, but don’t overindulge. Bananas, nuts, oats, and wholegrain cereals are great to eat and easy to pack in your kit bag.

Simple Carbohydrates break down quickly and can give you a temporary boost in energy. I think it was Ryan Hall who used to eat skittles before competing as the sugar gave him a quick energy boost and the sweet flavours also helped with the cottonmouth you get when you get an adrenaline dump.

Protein and fats are an important source of long-lasting energy, especially if you’re at the competition all day. Some great examples of protein for a tournament are Nuts and seeds, peanut butter, small amounts of lean meat.

If you want to take supplements, stick with what your body likes. This is not a good day to experiment with pre-workouts. You will not have the kind of benefit knowing exactly when you will be on the mat. If you take a supplement and plan to be on the mat in 20 min you will likely be waiting an hour or more, and your energy will be used up by a supplement that will make you more fidgety and agitated than you would be on competition day.

IBJJF Weight Classes - The Ultimate Guide! - Attack The Back (2)


Plan on being at the tournament all day, you won’t get too stressed out. If you bring any guests to the tournament you should do what you can to make them comfortable.

Pillow – It may sound odd but a pillow has a place at IBJJF tournaments. Many competitors do not sleep well the night before the tournament. They then get to the tournament first thing in the morning, to find out their bracket will not hit the mats until later in the evening. Taking a little nap is a great way to pass the time and calm down. You may also get tired of sitting on hard bleachers all day and a pillow will offer you a little extra padding.

Blanket – If you are planning to take a nap bring a small blanket. This can also be used to make the bleachers more comfortable.

Hoodie – Especially for nogi, throw on a hoodie on after warming up to keep you from cooling down. If the building is cold, you would be glad you brought your hoodie.

Book – If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like to watch others compete because it makes them nervous? A good book is a great way to take your mind off the action.

Flip Flips – Flip flops or any quick shoe will help you get on and off the mat without slowing you down. This is especially important if you need the toilet between matches.

Music – Need some hype music to get your amped up or some chill music to keep your energy levels low? There’s a reason why they say “Music Soothes the Savage Beast”

Towel – It’s nice to be able to take a shower after you are done. Don’t forget to bring a towel. A towel can also be used as a blanket or add padding to uncomfortable seats. – Our recommended travel towels

Underwear – Once your day is done, there’s nothing worse than travelling home wearing sweaty, moist underwear. Bring a spare pair and get comfortable.


Hopefully, you won’t need these items, but if do you’ll be glad you have them. Be ready to share your medical supplies with any teammates or competitors who might get hurt.

Athletic Tape – I always have tape in my gym bag. It’s a quick fix for a busted finger or toe, and it can be used to make a larger bandage. Our Recommended Athletic Tape

Pain Killers – If you need something to take off the edge, bring along your preferred painkillers

Bandaids – Keep your open injuries clean and help prevent getting blood on people. It is also a good idea to bring some 4×4 gauze pads too.

Glasses / Contact Lenses – If you wear contact lenses be ready for any troubles they may give you.

Antiseptic Gel – Put a little Neosporin on any cuts or abrasions before you bandage them up.

Hand Sanitiser – Washing your hands if better but not always practical.

Prescription Medication – You know what you need, just don’t leave it at home.

Icepack – Keep a couple of icepacks handy, in case you or your teammates need to ice any sprains or pains.


Here are some extra items we think would be useful for you.

Camera – Win or lose it is a good idea to have someone record your matches. Don’t forget to get a team picture before people start leaving.

Tripod – It’s hard to hold a video camera and cheer someone on at the same time. Usually, the video suffers, more than the cheering. If you happen to be at the tournament by yourself set up your camera and hit record just before the match starts.

Phone – Make sure you have all your teammates numbers in your phone and keep it on you until you are getting ready to hit the mat. You don’t want to miss your buddies’ match because you went to the restroom. Set up a group message on whatsapp and keep each other informed. Your friends and family that are not at the tournament will also be trying to get in contact with you to see how you did.

Your phone can also double up as a camera to record yours or your friends’ matches.

Charging Brick & Cable – If you’re on your phone all day, recording matches, listening to music, talking to teammates, it may be a good idea to bring along a portable charging brick and your charging cable.

Cash & Credit Card – You may want to get some gear, clothing, or food. There may be some great deals at some of the vendors.

BJJ Competition Tips

Rule Book – You should know the rules, but you might need to look up what is legal for a teammate of a different skill level.

How important is confidence to your success in BJJ? Well, that depends on your definition of success. So, the first question to ask yourself is, “are you a competitor or a recreational athlete?”

Here’s the definition I use: a competitor is anyone who reaches for the pinnacles of the sport: an IBJJF World Championship, an Abu Dhabi title, etc. It doesn’t matter if you actually attain it, but it’s what you are striving for. If this isn’t your goal, let’s define your practice in BJJ as recreational. You might compete to test your skills, but your focus is training for fun, self-improvement and the love of the sport.

Confidence for the competitor is vital. Confidence for the recreational athlete is helpful and it will grow as your skills improve, but there’s not as pressing of a need to cultivate confidence.

No ego. Embroider it on a gi, because these two words might as well be the motto of all BJJ.

Competition Confidence For BJJ

It’s the idea that there’s always more to learn, always someone better than you and ego is a barrier to faster improvement. No ego as a theme in BJJ is so readily apparent because BJJ, more so than other sports, enables the smaller, slower, less physical fighter to dominate the larger, stronger, less technical opponent. Having to repeatedly say “uncle” to someone you perceive as your physical inferior is a make or break situation for anybody’s ego.

You cannot get better at BJJ unless you are first willing to be terrible at it. To be successful in competition you have to impose your game plan. No ego is the name of the game in training, but, I can say from personal experience, that leaving your ego at the door during competition can lead to disastrous results. Don’t take my word for it though … here’s what some of the top BJJ fighters in the game have to say about confidence and game plans:

“We’re not in the business of martial arts, we’re in the business of building confidence” – Renzo Gracie

“I think that I always manage to impose my game, and my goal is a great fight,” – Jacare

“I have complete confidence in my sweeps”– Buchecha

It’s with this in mind, that I not only campaign for the importance of confidence in BJJ, but want to help you build your confidence. As with every article I’ve written, my goal’s been to help you understand the process. It’s once you understand the process, that you’ll see for yourself the path to success. So, let’s talk about the process behind effective confidence in BJJ. Let me tell you about the Self-Efficacy Theory.


Self-efficacy is the strength of your belief in your own abilities to reach goals. If you truly believe that you can influence, for the better, the outcome of your next fight, you’ll eagerly enter the competition. So, an efficacious you is a motivated you.

How to develop Self-Efficacy?

There are 4 fundamentals for developing self-efficacy:

Experience success yourself

Easier said than done, right? With a difficult task, it’s unrealistic expectation right off the bat. So, your coach (or you, yourself) has to enable success by reducing the difficulty. A simple example: a beginner might not be able to successfully serve a volleyball all the way across the net, but what happens once the coach tells her to take a few steps forward?

The vicarious experience of success

To learn and improve, you need a template or model. This can be your coach, a skilled teammate or youtube video techniques. Next:

Observe and Receive assistance in a successful execution

This vicarious experience of success will provide a good foundation for the experience of success in live rolling or a match.

Verbal persuasion

Positive verbal persuasion should come as encouragement from your coach, parents, or teammates. If you’re not getting that, reevaluate your training situation. Keeping negativism out of your training is the hallmark of a champion and a championship team.

Verbal persuasion can also be individual, a.k.a. self-talk.

Types of Self-Talk – Self-talk can be in the form of words actually spoken, or in the form of thoughts. It’s all about positivity when it comes to improving self-confidence; self-talk that’s positive in nature and leads to positive feelings about your ability.

Emotional arousal

This is actually the weakest source of self-efficacy, but in my opinion, the most important one to understand. Basically, people often rely on their current emotional state when judging their capabilities. If they are happy and positive, their confidence is sky high. If they are despondent and anxious, their self-efficacy is diminished.

Your goal should be to move past this type of response. Don’t let your current mood dictate your long term confidence. George St. Pierre is agreat example of how a champion accepts performance anxietyand still illustrates incredibly high self-efficacy.

So, to sum up – to develop confidence:

  • Train with success in mind
  • Watch and learn from the success of your coaches, teammates and BJJ all-stars
  • Use positive self-talk
  • Be sure toget your mind rightbefore training (so you can learn effectively).

The effectiveness of the self-efficacy model in sport is really well documented. Perceived self-efficacy is a strong and consistent predictor of success in BJJ. So get your game on, get confident and tell us what works for you in the comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the weight classes for IBJJF tournaments?

IBJJF tournaments have weight classes for both men and women. The weight classes for male adults and masters are Rooster (under 57.5 kg), Light feather (above 57.5 kg and under 64 kg), Feather (above 64 kg and under 70 kg), Light (above 70 kg and under 76 kg), Middle (above 76 kg and under 82.3 kg), Medium Heavy (above 82.3 kg and under 88.3 kg), Heavy (above 88.3 kg and under 94.3 kg), Super Heavy (above 94.3 kg and under 100.5 kg), and Ultra Heavy (above 100.5 kg). The weight classes for female adults and masters are Rooster (under 48 kg), Light feather (above 48 kg and under 53.5 kg), Feather (above 53.5 kg and under 58.5 kg), Light (above 58.5 kg and under 64 kg), Middle (above 64 kg and under 69 kg), Medium Heavy (above 69 kg and under 74 kg), Heavy (above 74 kg and under 79 kg), and Super Heavy (above 79 kg).

What is the weight allowance for IBJJF tournaments?

The weight allowance for IBJJF tournaments is 0.9 kg (2 lbs) for all weight classes except for Rooster and Super Heavyweight, which have a 0.45 kg (1 lb) allowance. This means that competitors can weigh in up to 0.9 kg (2 lbs) over the weight limit for their division without being disqualified.

What are the age divisions for IBJJF Masters?

The age divisions for IBJJF Masters are as follows: Master 1 (30-35 years old), Master 2 (36-40 years old), Master 3 (41-45 years old), Master 4 (46-50 years old), Master 5 (51-55 years old), Master 6 (56-60 years old), Master 7 (61-65 years old), Master 8 (66-70 years old), Master 9 (71 years old and above).

What are the weight classes for FUJI BJJ tournaments?

FUJI BJJ tournaments have weight classes for both men and women. The weight classes for male adults and masters are Rooster (under 57 kg), Light feather (above 57 kg and under 64 kg), Feather (above 64 kg and under 70 kg), Light (above 70 kg and under 76 kg), Middle (above 76 kg and under 82.3 kg), Medium Heavy (above 82.3 kg and under 88.3 kg), Heavy (above 88.3 kg and under 94.3 kg), and Super Heavy (above 94.3 kg). The weight classes for female adults and masters are Rooster (under 48 kg), Light feather (above 48 kg and under 53.5 kg), Feather (above 53.5 kg and under 58.5 kg), Light (above 58.5 kg and under 64 kg), Middle (above 64 kg and under 69 kg), Medium Heavy (above 69 kg and under 74 kg), Heavy (above 74 kg and under 79 kg), and Super Heavy (above 79 kg).

What are the weight classes for NAGA tournaments?

NAGA tournaments have weight classes for both men and women. The weight classes for male adults and masters are Flyweight (under 125 lbs), Bantamweight (above 125 lbs and under 140 lbs), Featherweight (above 140 lbs and under 155 lbs), Lightweight (above 155 lbs and under 170 lbs), Welterweight (above 170 lbs and under 185 lbs), Middleweight (above 185 lbs and under 200 lbs), Light Heavyweight (above 200 lbs and under 220 lbs), Cruiserweight (above 220 lbs and under 250 lbs), and Super Heavyweight (above 250 lbs). The weight classes for female adults and masters are Flyweight (under 110 lbs), Bantamweight (above 110 lbs and under 130 lbs), Featherweight (above 130 lbs and under 150 lbs), Lightweight (above 150 lbs and under 170 lbs), Middleweight (above 170 lbs and under 190 lbs), Heavyweight (above 190 lbs).

What are the weight classes for ADCC tournaments?

ADCC tournaments have weight classes for both men and women. The weight classes for male adults are Under 66 kg, Under 77 kg, Under 88 kg, Under 99 kg, and Over 99 kg. The weight


  1. IBJJF Weight Classes Complete Guide for 2023 (Gi and No-Gi). Retrieved from https://jiujitsulegacy.com/bjj-lifestyle/competition-tips/ibjjf-weight-classes/
  2. A Detailed Look at the IBJJF Weight Classes (Gi and No-Gi). Retrieved from https://jiujitsu-news.com/ibjjf-weight-classes/
  3. Weigh Ins | IBJJF. Retrieved from https://ibjjf.com/weigh-ins
IBJJF Weight Classes - The Ultimate Guide! - Attack The Back (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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