The Ultimate Guide to Rideshare Driver Lingo (2024)

If you’ve been driving for a while, you know probably know a lot of the driver lingo for Uber and Lyft: Surge, Quest, Boost, pinging, TOS, etc. But if you’re a new driver, these terms can be confusing. There’s no official Uber or Lyft manual (although you can check out our Ultimate Guides to Uber and Lyft!), so it’s not like you can even look up what all this stuff means.

Luckily for us, senior RSG contributorJohn Ince has been collecting rideshare abbreviations for us for a while and has put together the Ultimate Guide to Rideshare Driver Lingo. If you’ve ever wondered what a TCP is, or why anyonewould “pee in the POOL”, John has you covered. Did we miss any lingo? Leave a note in the comments and, if it’s a good one, we’ll add it to this list!

The App: Once considered an amazing breakthrough and the guts of the ride-hailing revolution. Now it’s ho-hum at best and a source of major frustration at itsworst. Drivers quickly learn that the appsometimes doesn’tbehave properly, much to the chagrin ofpassengers who regularlydoleout punishment in the form of a ding.

Ant: Hard-working, accepting every trip regardless of profitability, content with what Uber/Lyft/DoorDash feeds them, no planning, just trying to make the daily revenue goal they set before leaving the house regardless of how long it takes them to do so.

Autonomous Vehicle: All the rage in Silicon Valley and Detroit these days. Autonomous means free of human control. In other words, there’s no driver. If you’re somebody who makes a living behind the wheel, autonomous vehicles – aka robotic vehicles, aka driverless cars – are the enemy. Fortunately, autonomous vehicle researchers haven’t quite figured everything out yet.

Autonomous vehicles won’texist in their ideal state for a long long time – maybe never. Will driverless cars everbe able to manage urban complexity and unpredictable situations the way rideshare drivers do? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, there’s a bigger problem – convincing passengers to trust their lives with a developingtechnology.

Boober:Suggestive term concoctedby Uber’s former CEO. Precise definition subject to dispute depending on sex, age and current state of inebriation. How bro can you go? Pretty low apparently. Hopefully we can relegate this term to the scrapheap of Uber history.

Business License:Technically, rideshare drivers are business owners and, in some cities, this means drivers have to have business licenses. Basically, you’re paying money to tell the city/state you’re a business and then they approve you to go ahead and “be a business” – i.e. rideshare drive.

Chase the Surge: A driver strategy that very seldom works. Driver sees red on the screen and bolts in that direction only to see the red disappear when they arrive and get a no-surge ping back in the area he/shejust came from. Veteran drivers almost never chase the surge. Instead they anticipate the surge and are there when it happens.

Dashcam:Small video camera mounted on the dashboard or rearview mirror. Increasingly seen as a vital tool for drivers. Not needed until it’s needed, then it could be a lifesaver, especially if passenger makes up stuff or if you’re in an accident.

Dead Miles:The miles you drive when you’re not earning anything. Long pickups increase dead miles.

Dead Time:The time drivers spend waiting for a ping.

Ding: Give a bad rating as in … Who dinged me?Dings are the bane of being a rideshare driver.Often there seems no rational explanation for a ding. Sometimes youget really mad when you get dinged for no good reason. That’s why Uber and Lyft do their best to make sure you will never know who dings you.

ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival. For rideshare drivers, how far away a passenger is from your location. Passengers with lower ETAs are good because then you’re driving less unpaid miles.

Indefinite Pin: A telltale sign of a drunk, stoned or new passenger. They put the pin (passenger location) down in the wrong place and youdon’t find out until you’vedriven a mile away from where the passenger actually is. You call and discover the error. Pax then dings youfor goingexactly where the passengertold you to go.

Independent Contractor: It’s what the TNCs call drivers, mostly because it means they don’t have to pay expenses that they’d have to pay if drivers were classified as employees – like gas, maintenance, insurance and unemployment. The drivers’ classification as independent contractors is being challenged in the courts.

The long term prospects don’t look good for the TNCs. Huge issues loom over the inaptly dubbed sharing economy. Uber uses the term nimbly when arguing before a court of law, but then belies the claim by autonomouslycontrollingdriver behavior throughmeasurements of acceptance and cancellation rates. They dangle bonuses in front of the eyes of drivers, all of which depend upon meeting certain conditions.

By not tellingthe driver where he or she is going, you’re essentially required to accept rides that don’t necessarily make sense for you economically. You can cancel but cancel too many rides and you could be deactivated. The precise threshold is never specified, making the threat even more effective.In other words, Uber’s “independent contractors” have to play the game byUber’s rules and using Uber’s measurements of theirperformance. In the final analysis, Uber/Lyft engineers call the shots – even though in name drivers areindependent.

Lyft Line: Lyft’s version of UberPOOL. Equally distasteful todrivers.

PAX/pax: Drivers’ abbreviation for passenger. Pax come in all shapes and varieties. Some are sober. Some are drunk. Some are nice. Some are not nice. All passengers share one quality – they all want to get from Point A to Point B quickly, safely and cheaply. If you as a driver can keep that one thing in mind, you’ll do just fine with all passengers whoever and whatever they are.

Periods 1 through 3:You will want insurance for all three of these periods, but luckily they’re not too hard to understand:

  • Period 1 – Online & WITHOUTa ride request
  • Period 2 – Online & WITH a ride request (en route to pick-up, waiting for rider to come out, etc)
  • Period 3 – Online & with rider in car

Uber and Lyft only cover periods 2 and 3. Most rideshare endorsem*nts (add on coverage to your existing auto insurance policy) will cover you for all three periods.

Pickup: Often the most problematic aspect of being a driver, especially on busy downtown streets where there’s no place to legally pull over. Messy pickups are a constant source of frustration for drivers.

Ping: That melodious sound that emanates from your smartphone when a passenger requests a ride. It’s named because of the distinctive and arresting sound the app makes. You know you’ve been driving too long when you start hearing pings in your sleep.

Pee in the Pool:Irreverent driver response to UberPOOL. Ignoring the request or accepting and immediately canceling.

Prime Time: Lyft’s version of Uber’s surge.

Rideshare Insurance: The kind of insurance that most drivers should have but don’t. It’s a specificproduct with specific terms for drivers, designed by some insurance companies in response to the explosion of this new kind of quasi-professional driver. Uber/Lyft don’tcheck somost just drive without it and hope nothing bad happens. [Editor’s note: We don’t recommend rideshare driving without insurance. You can read what happens if you get into an accident here and you can find an insurance agent in your state here.]

Ridesharing: Orwellian term to describe what the Uber and Lyft apps make possible. TheAssociated Press advises use of the term “ridehailing”instead because there’s no true sharing in ridesharing – except the sharing of stories.

Surge: Controversial Uber practice of charging passengers some multiple of a normal fare usually expressed in the form of 2.3x. Uber defends surge saying it’s their way of balancing supply of riders with passenger demand. Critics say it’s just Uber’s way of gouging customers at their time of greatest need.

TCP: The license issued to commercial drivers in California by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

TK:Travis Kalanick, Uber’s former CEO.

TLC licensing:Taxi and Limousine Commission licensing in New York City.

TNC: Abbreviation for Transportation Network Companies, which is what the regulators call the Uber and Lyfts of the world. Taxi drivers hate the classification because, they argue, it tilts the playing field towards TNCs. Ongoing battle …

TOS:Terms of Service. These are the terms you probably agreed to without reading. These terms are now subject to some of the lawsuits Uber and Lyft are facing.

UberPOOL: Multiple pickups and dropoffs in the same ride. Seldom works smoothly but (until recently) PAX gotlower fare. Most drivers hate it because they’re constantly interrupted by new ride requests often distracting them from the road or passenger interaction. The only drivers who like UberPOOL are those who are working towards a bonus and need to reach X number of rides to meet their target.

Underage Passenger: Anyone who is trying to use the Uber or Lyft platform who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. Always a headache for drivers. Do you refuse the ride, forfeit the fare and write offyour driving time there as a complete waste? Or do you just look the other way and give them a ride? [Exception: UberTEEN]

Drivers, did we miss any lingo? Let us know in the comments and let us know what you think of this guide to rideshare lingo!

-John @ RSG

The Ultimate Guide to Rideshare Driver Lingo (2024)


Do Lyft drivers know if you are a good tipper? ›

Meanwhile, the Uber and Lyft app will only let us drivers know if we've earned a tip long after the passenger is gone. The driver only knows if we've earned a tip minutes, sometimes even hours, after we've dropped the passenger off and rated them.

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Lyft Line: Lyft's version of UberPOOL. Equally distasteful to drivers. PAX/pax: Drivers' abbreviation for passenger.

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Conversation starters

Once your rider is settled, a simple 'how are you? ' or 'how is your day going? ' is a quick way to open up a conversation. You'll also get a sense of whether your rider is up for talking, and perhaps what kind of mood they're in.

How to give an Uber driver a compliment? ›

How it works
  1. Open your app. After your trip, tap to open the app and rate your driver as you normally would.
  2. Give a compliment. After rating your trip, tap Give a Compliment, then choose from various badges to show your appreciation.
  3. Go the extra mile.

Do Uber drivers know if you never tip? ›

Levi Spires is an Uber driver who creates content about rideshare culture. He explained it this way: “Unlike food delivery, your Uber driver doesn't know if they'll get a tip until about five minutes after you're out of the car. Drivers don't know who tips us until after you exit the car and we rate you.”

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Please keep in mind that in-app tips cannot exceed $50 (or 200% of the ride cost).

What is Uber OBE? ›

Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber and Uber Eats. There are monthly memberships available for $9.99 and annual memberships at $96. Uber One also has partnerships with third parties that offer a discounted membership to eligible users.

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Our Employee Resource Groups build programs that recruit and foster diversity and inclusion, so that this principle is woven into our company culture.

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What Is UberXL? - A Budget-Friendly Choice for Up To 6.

How to choose female Lyft driver? ›

When turned on, Women+ Connect will allow you to be matched with more women and nonbinary drivers. Who has access to Women+ Connect? Women+ Connect is currently only available to women and nonbinary riders. If you identify as a woman or nonbinary and need to update your gender, visit your profile and tap 'Gender'.

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To access the option, riders must select their gender in the app's settings, a feature that is being rolled out across the country. When eligible customers then opt-in to the program, Lyft will prioritize matching them with a female or non-binary driver, but it is not a guarantee.

What is the most you can make driving for Lyft? ›

Lyft Driver Salary in California
Annual SalaryWeekly Pay
Top Earners$38,982$749
75th Percentile$37,000$711
25th Percentile$29,600$569

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Pick-up and drop-off seamlessly

Make it simple for the rider to find you. Don't leave them searching. If the pick-up point is unclear, or there's nowhere legal to stop, call the rider to tell them where you'll be. Also, if the rider is on the other side of a busy street, make a U-turn to make their vehicle entry safer.

How do I make an Uber driver a favorite? ›

You can add drivers to your Favorite Driver list during the rating process on Scheduled Rides by tapping the Favorite button. To view the favorite drivers on your list: Open the app's “Settings” section. Navigate to “Favorite Drivers”.

Is there an Uber etiquette? ›

Uber etiquette includes trying not to make your driver feel uncomfortable during the ride. And asking Uber drivers to settle arguments or validate your hot takes on controversial subjects are far from comfortable requests. Plus, Genevieve says it's in the driver's best interest to stay neutral.

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Driver's do not know your tipping history. What they do know is your rating and some filter their trips based on passenger rating or some on how far they have to travel to pick up….

Do Lyft drivers know who rated them? ›

Passengers have at least two hours to rate a driver from the 'Rate & Pay' screen in the app after the ride has ended. All feedback submitted is anonymous and reviewed before shared with drivers.

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SHOULD YOU TIP YOUR UBER OR LYFT DRIVER? Although Uber and Lyft say that tips aren't required, there are some reasons why it makes sense to tip your driver. Many drivers with families depend on tips to supplement their income since the median income for drivers falls below the average living wage for a family of four.

Do Uber drivers see who tipped them? ›

Can I see how much I was tipped by a specific rider or customer? To protect your customer's privacy, you'll be able to see the tip you receive on the trip receipt but will not see that individual's name or photo.

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