They Go Low, We Go Lower (2024)

  • Ankexfen Keep
  • Thormir Helmsbane - Ankexfen Keep [Quests]


Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
Time Limit:24:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 00:45:00
Quest Items:
  • Baleclaw's Pelt
  • Lit Tallow Candle
  • Snowy Spider Silk
Related Creatures:
  • Baleclaw
  • Glax
  • Herald of Brell
  • a lacerated deer corpse
  • a snowcap tarantula
  • a white-tailed deer
Related Quests:
  • Partisan of Ankexfen Keep (15 Points)
Era:They Go Low, We Go Lower (1)
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sun Nov 19 19:30:37 2023
Modified: Sun Feb 4 05:09:11 2024
Laurion's Song Info & Guides: Overview | | Raiding | Visible Armor
Prerequisite Quests: Memories of Goblin Enemies

You can obtain this shared task from Thormir Helmsbane in Ankexfen Keep, near the door to Laurion’s Inn. You can find Thormirat /waypoint -128, -106, 35. He is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'I've got an idea, _____. After ye showed me that bag o' goblin regalia, I poked through the items we took off o' the goblin we captured. Sure enough, I found a badge with a bear paw etched on it. So, I'm thinkin' it has a pet bear somewhere, probably around the pond where we captured the Ankexfen in the first place. It's a bit past the Ankexfen stables ye mentioned. I think we can [use] this bear to our advantage.'

You say, 'How can we use it?'

Thormir Helmsbane says, 'I say ye march up to that pond, find the bear, kill it, and skin it. Ye'll come back with the fur and show this goblin what we did to its beloved pet. Goblins always stoop so low in everythin' they do, so if ye ask me, it's time we go lower, _____. What do ye [think]?'

You say, 'I'll do what you think is best.'

Thormir Helmsbane gives you a curt nod. 'It's what must be done. 'Tis only fair, considerin' how many of my comrades have been tortured by these fiends. As I mentioned, we captured this goblin around the pond northwest o' where we're standin'. I'd recommend ye stop and peer at any animal carcasses ye find 'round there. Ye might find the bear near 'em. Once ye do, kill it and bring back its pelt.'

You have been assigned the task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower'.

Using the information you collected for him, Thormir Helmsbane hatched a plan to make Glax comply with Thormir's requests. The Ankexfen always use nasty schemes to get what they want, so Thormir suggests that it's time to stoop to their level.

Look for evidence of bear activity around the northwest pond. Thormir suggested you look for animal carcasses.

  • 1. Look for evidence of bear activity 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    What you're looking for around the northwest pond is a lacerated deer corpse at /way 2567, 1285, 419.

    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 2. Peer closely at the deer carcass 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    A named bear (Baleclaw Level 125) will spawn as soon as you do this next part so be ready to kill it.

    Target the deer corpse and type /peer

  • 3. Kill Glax's polar bear 0/1 Ankexfen Keep
  • 4. Acquire Baleclaw's pelt 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    --You have looted a Baleclaw's Pelt from Baleclaw's corpse.--
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 5. Show Blaeclaw's pelt to Glax 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You offered 1 Baleclaw's Pelt to Glax.
    Glax inspects the pelt. Its eyes slowly widen with the realization that it's Baleclaw's fur.
    You complete the trade with Glax.
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 6. Speak to Glax 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You say, 'Hail, Glax'

    The surprise on Glax's face is replaced with wide eyes and a delirious smile. 'You two make quite the pair. To get me to talk, you went after my bear? I'm afraid you'll find that bears are replaceable, and I am quite simply not persuasible. But I'll admit, Thormir, you're making me grin. You've done something [evil], but aren't you a paladin?

    You say, 'evil'

    Glax giggles as Thormir Helmsbane flinches. 'Ye have no idea what yer talkin' about, goblin. It ain't evil to [capture] a beast like yerself or kill a vicious bear if it means I can free the innocent folks bein' tormented in the Keep. I ain't overjoyed about it, but the ends justify the means. Many creatures can atone for the evil they've committed, but not ye Ankexfen. Yer irredeemably evil. Too far down the path o' Rallos Zek to see the light. Therefore, anything I do to fight against ye must be good 'n' righteous.'

    You say, 'capture'

    Glax says, 'It's funny you use the diplomatic word 'capture'. Is that the paladin way to say 'torture'? You killed my bear and showed me its hair, yet claim to be an impeccant hero who's fair? If, like you said, people can redeem themselves from immorality, then can't they, over time, also be corrupted by brutality? Admit it, Thormir: you and I are alike in our criminality.' Glax snickers. 'It's a sinister road you've begun to trek. Frankly, you'd make a good follower of [Rallos Zek].'

    You say, 'Rallos Zek'

    Glax watches gleefully as Thormir Helmsbane's face flushes red and his body begins to shake. Thormir Helmsbane looks to you with anguish in his eyes. It seems he would like to speak to you privately.

    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 7. Check in with Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

    Thormir Helmsbane's face is contorted with despair. 'Is it possible I'm corrupted like that goblin says? A paladin's supposed to be a beacon of righteousness. When I was younger, it brought me no joy to clean blood off my blade after a battle. These days... well, I'll be forthright with ye. I enjoy killin'. I enjoy knowin' there's one less Rallosian in the world as their bodies slide off my sword. I thought I was upholdin' my [oath] as a paladin, but maybe I shouldn't be feelin' this way.'

    You say, 'Who did you swear your oath to?'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Brell Serilis, of course. I committed myself to a lifetime of carrying out Brell's will, protecting his creations, actin' as a guardian of Maldura, and punishing evildoers.' He thinks. ' Neither that goblin, you, nor I can say whether or not I'm upholdin' my oath. The only person I answer to is Brell himself. I need a sign from him that I'm doin' the right thing. I beseech ye to help me, ____. There are ways to seek answers from Brell, but I'll need a candle. Can ye help me [make] one?'

    You say, 'I can help you make a candle.'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'I'll only need two things to make a candle. Some animal tallow and a wick. I reckon ye could collect some tallow off o' the deer 'round here. For a wick, maybe ye could nab some web off o' the spiders that live around the mountains nearby. Give me those items as soon as ye find 'em.'

    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 8. Obtain tallow from a deer 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Kill deer.

    --You have looted a Jar of Deer Tallow from a white-tailed deer's corpse.--
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 9. Obtain spider silk from a spider 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Kill spiders.

    --You have looted a Snowy Spider Silk from a snowcap tarantula's corpse.--
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 10. Deliver the deer tallow to Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You offered 1 Jar of Deer Tallow to Thormir Helmsbane.
    You complete the trade with Thormir Helmsbane.
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 11. Deliver the snowy spider silk to Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You offered 1 Snowy Spider Silk to Thormir Helmsbane.
    You complete the trade with Thormir Helmsbane.
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 12. Speak with Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Thank ye for gathering those items for me. I was able to craft a rudimentary candle. Back at Maldura, when I was seekin' a sign from Brell, I'd go as deep into the mine tunnels as I could. When I was low enough in the ground, I'd say a prayer to Brell and ask my question. If the candle glowed brighter, I knew he approved. Sometimes, the candle would go out and leave me in darkness. I knew he was sayin', 'no' when that happened. I wonder if there are any [tunnels] 'round here that might work?'

    You say, 'We can locate some tunnels.'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Ah.... Ye say 'we' can find 'em, but I was hopin' I could stay here. I'm....' He looks down. 'I'm scared, ____. That's not a very heroic thing to admit, but maybe I'm not the hero I thought I was. What if Brell is disgusted by what I've become? What if he takes away the holy powers he bestowed me with? I don't think I'm ready to face that. Please, can ye [go] and ask for a sign in my stead?'

    You say, 'I'll go.'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'Yer a kind soul. Ye might be able to find a tunnel or cave connected to the ravine nearby. The important thing is that ye travel deep into the rocks or dirt. Take this candle and use it as ye walk around down there. I'm sure ye'll get some kind o' sign. Whether it's good or bad, come back 'n' let me know. If ye don't mind, I'm goin' to stay here 'n' meditate a bit on all the revelations I've had.'

    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

    You have been given: Lit Tallow Candle

  • 13. Explore the area for underground tunnels 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    This step updates on the ramp leading down near the mouth of the spider tunnels on the east side of the valley around /way 2155, 476, 333

  • 14. Pass the lit tallow candle to the Herald 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    Give the lit tallow candle to the Herald of Brell.

    Right click the candle to receive a song buff called Search for a Sign.

    The Herald of Brell is a level 125 gnoll looking mob standing in the spider tunnels at /way 1793, 393, 368.

    You offered 1 Lit Tallow Candle to The Herald of Brell.
    The Herald of Brell takes the candle. The flame burns bigger and brighter, illuminating the cavern. 'Tell Thormir Helmsbane to stay strong in his convictions. Being a paladin does not mean one is always kind. Being a paladin means one does all they can to vanquish evil. That's what Thormir is doing, and Brell smiles upon it.' The candle melts into nothingness. The Herald of Brell nods to indicate that it has nothing more to say.
    You complete the trade with The Herald of Brell.
    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.

  • 15. Speak to Thormir Helmsbane 0/1 Ankexfen Keep

    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

    Thormir Helmsbane says, 'I can't believe it. After everythin' I've done, Brell still accepts me. That goblin tried to sow seeds of doubt in my mind, but I'm a still a champion for good after all. That means we're going through with the infiltration, ____. No Rallosian will get in our way. Can I count on ye to help with the final parts of my mission? The tunnels yer talkin' about might be the perfect backdoor into the prison. Blessings upon the prisoner who had the gumption to break through all that stone.'

    Your task 'They Go Low, We Go Lower' has been updated.
    You have received a replay timer for 'They Go Low, We Go Lower': 0d:0h:45m remaining.
    Thormir Helmsbane appears reinvigorated.
    You receive 7 copper .
    You receive 6 silver .
    You receive 6 gold .
    You receive 141 platinum .
    You light a firework.
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: They Go Low, We Go Lower

    141p 6g 6s 7cp
  • They Go Low, We Go Lower (2024)
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    Author: Ray Christiansen

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    Author information

    Name: Ray Christiansen

    Birthday: 1998-05-04

    Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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    Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.