Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (2024)

By Addie 59 Comments

Fall is here and I am going above and beyond to try to enjoy the colder months this year. I’m very cold natured that I usually despise them something serious. Food is the best place to start with anythin better, in my book,, so let’s get to it! I found this old cookbookat an antique shop – what better way to get into the “Old World New” theme and lifestyle than with bringing old recipes back to the light? This Old Dominion Pound Cake recipe is so delicious, and well worth the time and elbow grease required when making food from scratch. The time mostly goes into the baking, though, so don’t shy away from a little elbow grease. If you have a standing mixer, you have it made! I, naturally, have an older (probably made in the 80s or 90s) hand held mixer that’s been passed down through my family.

More information on this cookbook – I spied it several times in my favorite antique shop that I frequent, and finally snagged it up once itwent on sale. I got it for a whopping $6. It is the Good Housekeeping Cookbook edited by Dororthy B. Marsh (the Director of Foods and Cookery, Good Housekeeping Institute at the time) and illustrated by Bill Goldsmith, published in 1963. Wow! This cookbook is over 50 years old! Check out the Good Housekeeping website for modern cake recipes that look just as scrumptious as this one.

Pound Cake Recipe & Directions:

I’m sharing the recipe via photos so you can see and enjoy its original form.

My personal notes:

  • If you can not find cream of tartar, it can be substituted with regular white vinegar AFTER you beat/fluff your egg whites.
  • A strainer can be used in place of a sifter, if you don’t own or want to buy one. Or if you just don’t know what one is.
  • Buttering and flouring the bundt pan can easily be replaced with the spay can substitute. If you’d like to do it the old way, simply cut cold butter and spread it around the bundt pan with your hands. Then, pour about a teaspoon of flour in the pan to begin with. Next, hold the pan sideways and turn it in a circle like you would a steering wheel, except turn it(and occasionally give it a love tap) until the flour completely covers the butter. That, folks, is how you butter and flour a pan. I’d like to thank my Grannies for the many demonstrations!
  • The original flour mixture will be weird and a little lumpy until the egg whites are added. That’s just what it looks like, you’re not doing it wrong.
  • If you’re not a fan of plain cake (modern folks seem to always need condiments and dressing on everything haha), top it with fruit!

… after baking & cooling the required amount of time, you will have yourself a thick and rich pound cake to share with your family and friends this holiday season, or any time of the year! I hope you enjoy it with the folks you love (or with ice cream, because that’s true love LOL)! Check back later for more vintage recipes from this cookbook and more.

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Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (10)

originally published September 2015

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  1. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (11)carrie says

    YUM YUM YUM!! And what a great idea…buying a vintage cookbook!
    Thanks for the recipe!
    CS Gems


  2. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (12)Sevi says

    If there is one thing I love it’s a good pound cake. I remember my mom making pound cakes every birthday and she would let use decided what frosting we wanted. I would always get chocolate. Love this!


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (13)Addie says

      Oh that sounds so yummy, Sevi! Now I need to find icings and glazings lol


  3. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (14)shernell says

    This cake is so beautiful and I’m glad that you got the recipe from an old cookbook.


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (15)Addie says

      Thanks, Shernell! I think the old cookbook recipe gives it more street cred! Lol! 🙂


  4. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (16)Karen says

    whoa. yum. That looks amazing! And LOVING that cookbook! $6? That is like the icing on the cake! lol… Thanks for sharing this recipe… I totally want to try it!
    xx, Karen


  5. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (17)Jennifer says

    I love pound cake and I love trying a vintage recipe. Not all of them work out so it’s good to hear about a solid recipe.
    I have my grandmother’s Good Housekeeping cookbook from –I’ll have to check it but I think 1950 or 52? It’s falling apart but I treasure it.


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (18)Addie says

      Oh Jennifer that’s even more amazing. It may be torn and tattered but I bet it is amazing, and it was your Granny’s. I love that! Thanks for stopping by ☺️


  6. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (20)Danielle Kempe says

    Cool! I always admire people that have a talent for baking.


  7. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (21)Justine Y @ Little Dove Creations says

    Yummy, I love pound cake! And that vintage cookbook is darling, I love how they always have so much more character then modern ones.


  8. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (22)Elle Spann says

    i love poundcake! my mom makes it for breakfast for mine and my dad’s bday every year:)
    Southern Elle Style


  9. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (24)Terri Ramsey Beavers says

    I haven’t made a good old fashion, home baked pound cake in way too long. I love that cookbook. I wish I could find one. I stock up on all of the older ones I find at thrift stores but I’ve never seen that one before.


  10. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (25)Chrissa - Physical Kitchness says

    I am drooling over this cake AND that Good Housekeeping vintage cookbook! I feel like old recipes/cookbooks have THE BEST recipes. Your photos are beautiful too!


  11. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (26)Jenn says

    Mmmm, two of my favorite things: vintage cookbooks and baking! Our favorite pound cake recipe came from my boss’s Mom and includes whipping cream in the mix and then freezing and defrosting before you can eat it. Means planning ahead a bit, but it’s worth the effort!


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (27)Addie says

      I’m learning that there are so many different ways to make it! That is a lot of work, but I bet it is beyond delicious, Jenn! Lol


  12. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (29)Christine says

    I am not a fan of cold weather, and I deal with it by busying myself in the kitchen. I’m glad you found the vintage cookbook – looks like a good place for inspiration. The pound cake is a classic.


  13. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (30)Olivia DeFilippo says

    YUMM! Thanks for sharing! I definitely need some new recipes!


  14. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (32)Logan Can says

    I love pound cake! This looks like a great recipe to keep on hand year round!


  15. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (33)Julie @ Girl on the Move says

    That cake looks absolutely delicious! And I had no idea you could substitute vinegar for cream of tartar!


  16. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (34)Cynthia @craftoflaughter says

    I love a simple pound cake. It’s so great for having with a cup of coffee!


  17. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (35)Christina says

    I LOVE pound cake. This recipe sounds delicious. I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing!


  18. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (36)Kaylah Burton says

    OMG. This looks so yummy! Love the idea of reviving old recipes!


  19. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (37)Kelly | Typically Simple says

    Pound cake is my absolute favorite but I’ve never tried making it myself. I love topping it with some strawberries for a sweet treat!


  20. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (39)Becki S says

    I love pound cake but I’ve never made it at home. Thanks for sharing this recipe, love the old cookbook.


  21. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (40)Adaleta Avdic says

    Yummy looking cake! I love cake & pound cake is especially delicious. This has inspired me to bake something tonight! xx,


  22. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (41)Mary says

    YUM!!! Now Im hungry!! Looks amazing!



  23. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (42)Jeanine says

    Yum! That looks and sounds delicious. That’s one cake I’ve never made, a pound cake. I may have to give this a try!


  24. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (44)Danielle Markley says

    Now that it’s fall…it’s def time to break out the cookbooks and find some yummy fall recipes. This pound cake looks delicious!


  25. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (45)Stacey says

    I love pound cake! My grandmother used to make a wonderful one! Love the pic of the cake nestled in the material – it looks heavenly!


  26. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (46)Debra says

    I have always wanted to try making my own pound cake! This looks amazing!


  27. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (47)Cameron Proffitt says

    Oh my yum. This looks delightful. I am so hungry right now and officially craving pound cake. This looks so great, and the pictures are gorgeous.

    Cameron Proffitt


  28. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (48)Lora says

    When I think about Pound Cake, I think about my Mammaw — and those are some wonderful memories! Thanks!


  29. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (50)Shelly says

    What a neat idea to make food from vintage recipes! My grandmother still has a bunch of old recipe books. I should have her send me one 🙂


  30. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (52)alexandria waning says

    Ooooh, wow. That looks beautful. I can imagine how good it tastes.


  31. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (53)RaNesharm says

    Simple to make yay. Look delicious I love sweets


  32. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (54)Kiana says

    That cookbook looks like an amazing find and the cake looks delicious!


  33. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (55)michelle says

    I’ve never baked my own pound cake but I’m gonna give this a try! Thanks for sharing!


  34. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (56)Kristen from Practical Mommy says

    This looks amazing! I don’t have a bundt cake pan, but I might have to get one just so I can try this.


  35. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (57)Brooke says

    This looks delicious and I love that this came out of a vintage cookbook! Thanks for sharing!

    Brooke | KBStyled


  36. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (58)Adrienne Scott says

    I was so grateful to find this recepie It was tough to get this particular item. This recepie was our Church Supper dessert My Grammy made this for us as a small child. Now I make this for my children. This book is a true collector item to share.


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (59)Addie says

      Hi Adrienne, I’m so happy it helped you! I’ve been thinking about doing another recipe from it soon, so you’ve inspired me and let me know I need to make it happen! Enjoy the cake! =)


  37. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (60)Leonard Price says

    I have the great pleasure of having this cook book in my home. I have made this Pound cake many times and it is always well liked. There are many other recipes that are very good to try as well .


  38. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (61)Tootsie Roll says

    12/14/2020 Where have you gone. I love your recipe. I have several old cook books from the 1970’s.
    I’ll try finding you in other recipes.


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (62)Addie says

      Thank you! Yes, old recipe books have some questionable recipes, but some like this are timeless!


  39. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (63)BarbaraJo says

    I was in a cookbook club in the 60’s and bought this book new. I still have it but it’s currently packed away. This is the only recipe I’ve ever used to make a poundcake. It’s always given me wonderful compliments and I need to make one now for my husband’s birthday, his favorite. We’re in the process of moving and all my cookbooks are packed away. Thank you VERY much for sharing this recipe, it saved his birthday.


    • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (64)Addie says

      This warms my heart so very much! This is one of the many reasons why I love sharing my thrift and vintage finds like this – stories like yours. I’m so happy this recipe came in handy while your book is packed away!


      • Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (65)Barbara Jo Brooks says

        How sweet of you to reply, I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!!


  40. Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (66)Julia Johnson says

    My mother loved this recipe she made it for years


Vintage Recipes: Old Dominion Pound Cake Recipe — Old World New (2024)
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